The Papaya


The Papaya Punch

Papayas are spherical or pear-shaped fruits that can be as long as 20 inches. They usually grow about seven inches and weigh about one pound. Their flesh is a rich orange color with either yellow or pink hues.
Papaya is soft and has a deliciously sweet, musky taste. On the inner cavity of the fruit are black, round seeds encased in a gelatin-like substance. Papaya’s seeds are edible, but can be slightly bitter. Papayas, native to Central America, have been long revered by the Latin American Indians. Spanish and Portuguese explorers brought papayas to many other subtropical lands to which they journeyed, including India, Philippines, and a few parts of Africa.
Christopher Columbus called it the fruit of the angels. Today, the largest commercial producers of papayas include Mexico, Puerto Rico and the US. For consumption within a day of purchase, choose papayas that have reddish-orange skin and are slightly soft to touch. Those that have patches of yellow will take a few more days to ripen.
Papayas totally green or very hard should not be purchased, unless you cook them, or want to use them in a cold dish such as a salad, as their flesh will not develop their characteristic flavour.
While a few black spots on the surface will not affect the papaya’s taste, avoid those that are bruised or overly soft.
Papayas partially yellow should be left at room temperature, to ripen in a few days. If you want to speed up this process, place them in a paper bag with a banana. Ripe papayas should be stored in the refrigerator and consumed within one or two days, to enjoy its flavour.
Health benefits
Papayas are rich sources of carotenes, Vitamins C and B, potassium, magnesium and fibre. These nutrients improve the cardiovascular system and also protect against cancer. In addition, papaya contains the digestive enzyme papain, which is similar to the enzyme found in pineapples, and is helpful in treating injuries and allergies.

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