Do you know MINIMALISM?

Do you know Minimalism
Fulfilling real life!


Our father earned less than me. We are four children at home. All the four were well educated and did everything they needed. He saved some money and built his own house and lived peacefully without any debt.

But, I earn more than him. Housing loan, car loan, credit card and many commitments, work tension and pressure, I can't live a fulfilling life like him...

Nowadays we often meet the youth of this generation lamenting like this.

They run marathons to get rid of it. Dancing at parties; They spend a lot and go on an international tour. Where happiness lies is not understood.

Joshua Fields and Ryan Nicodemes are two such young men.

In 2009 both of them are high earners
Talk about IT! Six-figure salaries, expensive cars, luxurious houses, partying, celebrating in their 30s, Everything in life is okay. But they feel something missing.

The vacuum remains.Work 80 hours a week and earn money. They realize that there is no happiness in buying and accumulating things. Understood that happiness does not lie in consumer culture. The concept of ``minimalism'' is born in an instant.

Consumer culture is rampant around us today.

The idea that buying things is happiness and that is achievement is spreading.

Actually, there is no joy in buying things; We are forgetting that it is in how much we use it.
Joshua and Ryan were the ones who went against these mindsets.

They have been living a minimalist life since 2009, and today they are taking courses about the minimalist lifestyle in various universities around the world.

Millions have started moving towards their minimalist lifestyle. The duo is spreading minimalism through books, documentaries and blogs.

For today's generation, no matter how much they earn, whether it's an iPhone, a BMW car, a luxury apartment, there is still a lack of true happiness..

Everyone thinks that minimalism means living frugally.

There is also a concept of leaving everything behind and living like a hermit. There is no need to give up anything like that.

Minimalism is living in moderation with the essentials.

When unnecessary fat accumulates in the body, diseases occur just like the accumulation of unnecessary substances in life. Being responsible for everything from the economic crisis to the financial crisis. This is unnecessary consumption.

What is unnecessary consumption?

Going by car for walking distances, buying a cell phone at a high price because everyone else has one, buying a big house of four thousand square feet for two people to live in, spending millions on decorating it and stacking things like that, everything that is bought and used unnecessarily is unnecessary consumption.

Minimalists are not people who live by less, less, less. They live a life that maximizes what they need in their lives - more time, more happiness, more savings, more creativity is Joshua's opinion.

This is how our parents and forefathers were living when there was no such thing as minimalism.

Unnecessary at home

Even now we can find adults in our homes who run to switch off a light bulb.

That is the minimalism of our home.

Such small savings. That is the way they built their peaceful life.

Many of the world's biggest billionaires are also minimalists.

Warren Buffett is a good example. The way he lived his life before amassing crores is the same till date. He still lives in the same small house he bought in Nebraska in 1958. "Do whatever makes you happy every day, that's the greatest luxury in the world'' says Buffett. Not only him, we can see countless millionaires like Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg who lived and are living a minimalist life.

What are the ways to live a minimalist life?

Joshua himself wrote 5 things.

1 - Getting used to living on a budget:-

This is the key to a minimalist life. We should not spend a single penny beyond our allowance. The only way to do that is planning. Spending Every rupee should be accounted for.

2 - Living on fewer things:-

Let's have 30 shirts stacked in the home bureau. Seeing a new offer online will make you want to buy another shirt. Otherwise, keeping a list of what items we have and how much we use them. will prevent us from buying unnecessary items over and over again.

3- Future Planning:-

Things like medical insurance are very important. Be sure to patiently read the account statement every month decide what is not needed and control it in subsequent months. Investing certain amount of income in different investment schemes.

4 - Questioning Every Purchase:-

Before buying anything, Do I need it...can I live without it...if possible calculate for how long only if I have the motivation to buy the item even after that.

5 - Giving to others:-

The greatest happiness in the world is helping others is the secret formula followed by everyone from Warren Buffett to Bill Gates. Give as much money as possible to others every month. That will make you live contentedly

These five commandments will reduce our expenses and increase our savings.

Also a satisfying life at a low cost

It helps to live.

This is how our parents lived.

That's why they earn less

Lived better.

I invite you to live like that!

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