Transform Your Life: Embracing Positive Every Step of the Way
1. Are you a 6 am riser?
Get up ten minutes
earlier at 5.50 and get used to it.
With an extra ten minutes, you'll feel the Doors of energy for
your day's work open wide during a quiet morning.
2. Ten minutes of silence:
If you don't practice morning meditation, start meditating
in the right place as soon as possible. In the morning, spend at least ten
minutes in silence
3. Thirty Minutes:
Use thirty minutes a day in the morning for your health.
Exercise, walking, yoga whatever your routine is. Realize that thirty minutes
for health is the throne of rejuvenation.
4. Regularity in food:
Often postponing mealtimes due to workload can cause
problems in your physiology. Practice healthy eating habits and eat according
to age. Get used to eating properly.
5. Write the next day's diary on the first day:
``Day Task.'' This habit will help keep your life hectic and
unhurried, you will soon realize whatever you think happens.
6. Remove Obstacles:
Cosmic energy accumulates in clutter, junk, and piled-up
files. In such places the activity falls asleep. Bogi doesn't wait till
festival Remove blockages from time to time.
7. Approach People:
When we hate people in this world, with or without reason,
that hate stimulates unwanted glands in us and makes us secrete anxiety. Accept
people with their flaws and start loving them. Loving everyone is good for
you, whether it's good for them or not.
8. what next? This is the mantra:
Whether success or failure, achievement or challenge, ask what's next. Only then can you move to the next level. Did the child break
the glass? What's next? All you have to do is throw it in the trash. ``(WHAT
NEXT?)'' This is the key in success mantras.
9. Make a Resolution of Faith:
Make a resolution to yourself every morning. “Let's get down
working with the same enthusiasm. Believe in yourself that today's work can be
completed properly” and start the day.
10. Give work for money:
Whatever your income is, put that money to work. Money has
the power to multiply itself. Invest your earned money wisely. It will multiply
11. Develop a sense of humor:
Being tight-lipped is not going to accomplish anything –
except develop depression and anxiety!! Conquerors and historical men have
always had a sense of humor. A sense of humor opens many locked doors of life.
12. Humanity is the beginning of Godhood:
Understanding the difficulties of others, helping with
humanity, and forgiving others were the part-time job of humans. For God's
sake, a full-time job Forgive you first, then others whole-heartedly, blossoming
– happily – Participate in the celebration of life.